This bag for Dewar’s was custom made to fit the exact size and shape of their scotch bottle. The design of the bag is very dramatic, with a dark blue vignette framing the edges. Most of the focus of this bag is on a drink being poured next to the product shot. The imagery of the scotch being poured into a glass is almost tumultuous, like a wave rising out of the ocean. Its exciting, and it gives the impression that your product will be something memorable and thrilling.This type of bag presents itself as a gift to customers. This elegant packaging makes it seems as special as the contents within.
Other advantages is that the bag acts as a buffer for the glass, and is supportive enough to hold the weight of a bottle without ripping. Made from premium quality paper and durable rope handles, this bag is built to be strong and hold the contents in place. The paper has a glossy finish, which puts a more realistic emphasis on the images.
Bottle shopping bags are a great type of package to keep delicate items secure. They can be customized to fit the product’s shape and are a great tool to promote your brand identity. If you are concerned about how sturdy your packaging is for your beverages, bottle bags are the best way to go.