bridal garment bags, wedding season, wedding packaging, bridal packaging, rpet garment bags, pp non woven garment bags, garment bags, bridal, bridesmaid garment bags

Wedding Season: Bridal Garment Bags

bridal garment bags, wedding season, wedding packaging, bridal packaging, rpet garment bags, pp non woven garment bags, garment bags, bridal, bridesmaid garment bags

bridal garment bags, wedding season, wedding packaging, bridal packaging, rpet garment bags, pp non woven garment bags, garment bags, bridal, bridesmaid garment bags

bridal garment bags, wedding season, wedding packaging, bridal packaging, rpet garment bags, pp non woven garment bags, garment bags, bridal, bridesmaid garment bags

bridal garment bags, wedding season, wedding packaging, bridal packaging, rpet garment bags, pp non woven garment bags, garment bags, bridal, bridesmaid garment bags

bridal garment bags, wedding season, wedding packaging, bridal packaging, rpet garment bags, pp non woven garment bags, garment bags, bridal, bridesmaid garment bags

Retailers know that spring is the start of wedding season. However, it seems to start in the spring, and continue throughout the seasons until the start of winter. Consequently wedding celebrations and events have been postponed for the time being. Although, many are still looking towards the future. Wedding planners, brides and grooms are all planning ahead for their future ceremonies. They are planning while keeping all details in mind.

One detail to never overlook is how brides and grooms can keep their important garments and accessories clean and wrinkle free. With the use of custom bridal garment bags for the ongoing wedding season, your customer’s items will stay safe and organized. Bridal garment bags don’t just keep your items safe in transit to the venue, they even stay safe after their special day.

Bridal Garment Bags: PP Non-Woven

When it comes to garment bags for a bride’s special day attire, the customization possibilities are endless. Choosing from an assortment of materials like ppnw, rpet, eva, and many more will create a unique look that will tie your brand identity as well as cater to the wedding party’s personal style.

First, having bridal garment bags made from pp non-woven is ideal to have in any wedding packaging collection. This synthetic material is known for its for its strength, durability and versatility. When creating bridal garment bags, many brands and companies tend to gravitate towards pp non-woven because it is affordable to produce, flexible, and is especially easily customizable to fit your target audience. Construct your bridal garment bags with ease in any color. As a bonus, add custom printing, or hot stamping to give your bridal garment bags a finished look.

In addition to custom treatments, adding some unique embellishments to your bridal garment bags are also important. Zipper closures and grommets are a few extras that can be incorporated into your bridal garment bags. These embellishments can also give your garment bags a unique twist along with custom handles.

Bridal Garment Bags: rPET and EVA

Similar to pp non-woven, rpet is another reusable material that is great to create bridal garment bags with. Made from recycled water bottles, its durable and eco-friendly nature, rpet can keep your dresses or suits safe for the big day. Rpet fabric is also affordable to produce, easily customizable and has the ability to have custom printing and treatments as well as customized to mimic other materials.

On the other hand, EVA garment bags are also perfect for all of your bridal needs. The material itself can be printed (like ppnw, and rpet) or can have a clear background to showcase the dresses. This material is also perfect because again it is affordable to produce and is also waterproof.

Customizing Your Bridal Garment Bags

When creating the perfect bridal garment bag, sizing and treatments are fully customizable to pull the look of your brand together. Some unique treatments to add onto your bridal garment bags this wedding season are custom printing, embroidery and hot stamping.

Finally, garment bags tailored towards any wedding season can also be created with standard or tapered gussets to fit any type of bridal attire. This type of bag will add to the versatility of your wedding garment bag collection. Along with tapered gussets, add decorative piping, windows or custom zippers and handles. For organizational purposes, adding a custom pocket can also help to make sure the right garment goes to the right person.

Not only will this make your garment bags for wedding season easy to carry, it will give your special garments an extra decorative effect. Choosing materials for quality bridal garment bags are important. Durable materials will ensure that the bags will last through multiple uses. Having durable bridal garment bags will keep your customer’s significant belongings safe and dry for their wedding day and beyond. Once you order your bridal garment bags, additional coordinating items like veil covers, pouches and bags will complete your collection.