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Preparing for Earth Day April 2013

earth day april 2013, eco friendly, eco friendly packaging, earth day, reusable packaging, reusable bags, reusable boxes, accessories, celebrating earth day, recyclable packaging, fsc certified, earth friendly

April 22, is the day celebrated in the United States as Earth Day April 2013. It is an ideal event to highlight your company’s green initiatives and help your customers recognize this significant day. Eco-friendly, reusable packaging is a great way to reward your customers with durable shopping bags for long-term use. Beyond shopping bags, you can also consider: printed reusable bags, custom totes, eco-friendly boxes and bags, green packaging, corrugated packaging.

There are many interesting marketing campaigns which can be done with green packaging. You can give away valuable reusable totes with any purchase. You can launch a green initiative with revitalized, revamped packaging and sales materials, using Earth Day April 2013 as a start date. You can even offer a trade in event, where your customers bring in old packaging (plastic bags, paper bags, etc.) to be recycled and you reward them with new, custom reusable shopping bags with your logo.

With nearly 80% of disposable packaging ending up in landfills, packaging results in tremendous waste. Green packaging and Earth Day April 2013 events can lessen the impact and endear your company to customers who are eco-conscious. Custom eco-friendly packaging is ideal to use during special Earth Day April 2013 activities and special events. It can also be used the whole year long, emphasizing your commitment to the environment.

Now is the time to order your green Earth Day 2013 packaging, bags, and materials for 2013. In order to best represent your brand, match your colors/logo/style, and deliver production samples, you need to think ahead.

With advance ordering, you can see samples of materials, such as our cotton, jute, canvas, or soy ink printing. You can view different designs and packaging options, created by our design staff. You will also get deliver in time to distribute your green packaging goods in plenty of time before the holiday. Whether you participate in green initiatives all year long or you want to celebrate the holiday with a special packaging, Prime Line Packaging is the place for customized, eco-friendly packaging. Let us provide a free, no-obligation quote on your green packaging today.

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