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Celebrities Shopping with Prime Line bags

custom bags, custom packaging, custom ppnw bags, custom reusable shopping bags, custom shopping bags, Nina Dobrev, packaging, ppnw, reusable bag, reusable shopping bag, urban outfitters, Urban Outfitters bag, celebrities

custom bags, custom packaging, custom ppnw bags, custom reusable shopping bags, custom shopping bags, Nina Dobrev, packaging, ppnw, reusable bag, reusable shopping bag, urban outfitters, Urban Outfitters bag, celebrities

We were thrilled to open the November issue of SELF magazine and see celebrities like the lovely Nina Dobrev, from the Vampire Diaries, toting an Urban Outfitters bag Prime Line Packaging was proud to produce. Urban Outfitters provided the clever design while we were able to produce it in an affordable one panel design. This replaced Urban Outfitter’s traditional paper shopping bag and has the benefit of being both cheaper and reusable.

“When I fly, I never check my bags. I bring a carry-on, an eye pillow, noise-canceling headphones, a big pillow and a blanket,” Dobrev explains in her segment. And the Urban Outfitter bag she is carrying can hold all that and more.

This illustrates a point we have shown in previous blogs. Reusable shopping bags are a gift to consumers and celebrities alike, which can be used over and over again. Consumers receive the bag as a gift with purchase, creating goodwill between your company and the consumer, while your branding is extended through continuous use.

Fashionable Celebrities with Prime Line Totes

Reusable tote bags aren’t reserved for only celebrities and millionaires. Normal consumers shop at many of the same places where the elite shop, affording them the same opportunity to reuse durable totes.

Celebrities like Nina Dobrev used the Urban Outfitter oversized bag as a carry on, but reusable totes are also great for other things such as:

  • Book bag
  • Gym bag
  • Grocery shopping
  • Errand bag
  • Off season storage

Consider creating a gorgeous, trendy reusable tote bag which begs to be reused again and again. Let Prime Line Packaging offer a quote on your next reusable packaging order.

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